
Awards: Pole position on two AI challenges: Calcium scoring on CT and Lymph node segmentation on head & neck CT.

Event: Journées Françaises de Radiologie 2020

Context: Joint teams with GE Healthcare, Buc

Contact: hugues.talbot at

Award: Best paper honorable mention award

Conference: AAAI International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2020)

Paper: Influence maximization using influence and susceptibility embeddings

Contact: at

Open position: Assistant Professor in Tenure Track at the Department of Mathematics of CentraleSupélec, Paris-Saclay Campus / CVN Laboratory, Inria OPIS team

Domain: Optimization Methods for Artificial Intelligence

Candidate profile: PhD in applied mathematics or signal / image processing

Contact: jean-christophe.pesquet at

Open position: Two PhD students at the CVN Laboratory, Inria OPIS team within the TraDE-OPT ITN network

Domain: Optimization Methods for Data Science

Candidate profile: MSc in applied mathematics or machine learning, less than 12 months spent in France in the last 3 years.

Contact: jean-christophe.pesquet at